Enjoy the creaminess and exquisite flavor of avocados cultivated in Colombian fertile lands. This versatile fruit with its soft rich flesh is ideal for salads, guacamoles and sandwiches. Rich in healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, avocados are an excellent option for a balanced diet.
Discover the authentic Colombian Cayenne pepper grown in the fertile and tropical soils. This pepper, with its vibrant red color and intensely spicy flavor, is ideal for sauces, stews and marinades. Full of capsaicin and vitamin C. It offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Perfect for adding a touch of heat and flavor to your favorite recipes.
Experience the freshness and exotic flavor of passion fruit. This fruit is perfect for juices, desserts and sauces with its juicy and acid-sweet pulp. Full of vitamin C and antioxidants, passion fruit is not only delicious, but also beneficial for your health.
Nuestro endulzante es un producto 100% natural PULVERIZADO, el cual se obtiene mediante una técnica que no se basa en el proceso de refinación comunmente conocido; de esta forma, podemos mantener las propiedades físicoquímicas presentes en el producto tales como: calcio, potasio, magnesio, hierro, y pequeñas cantidades de flúor y selenio. Todos nuestros productos pasan por un proceso de pulverización…
Descubre el sabor y la frescura del pimentón, cultivado en tierras fértiles. Con su color vibrante y su sabor dulce y crujiente, es perfecto para ensaladas, salsas, y guisos. Rico en vitaminas A y C, el pimentón es una opción nutritiva para enriquecer tus platos. Es un tipo de fruta que pertenece a la familia de las solanáceas, específicamente al…
Enjoy the freshness and sweetness of pineapple, a juicy tropical fruit ideal for juices, desserts and savory dishes. In addition to its delicious flavor, it is an excellent source of vitamin C and bromelain, which offer multiple health benefits.